Thursday, June 20, 2013

Much Change

Hello all! Wow, there have been a lot of changes since I have dropped the blogging ball…ugh! I have a whole bunch of posts ready, but let me first catch ya’ll up a bit!

In January, Devin and I had a huge decision to make…where we wanted to spend the next three years of our lives. We painfully made lists of pros and cons and tried to come up with the perfect choice. Narrowing down the entire country to three locations we headed to our beloved Caribbean to get away and just relax, talk, and decide. During our 10-day retreat we spend countless hours and miles meandering down the remote beach at sunset and chatting while we collected sea glass. I am not sure I can think of a time that I have felt more content and happy! On our last day we agreed that while New York has permanently brazen itself into our hearts it was time to move closer to home. In the end it boiled down to the fact that you can always fill the voids of adventure, identity, and even friends, but you can never replace family. Ergo, we decided to head back to Seattle and settle close to both families! Here is my favorite pictures of my entire relationship with Devin and our "decision making" trip...
Landing at JFK life it us like a ton of bricks: moving trucks were reserved, house searching commenced, and the job search was on! Since then Devin was accepted at a Family Medicine residency in the Seattle area, we made all of our moving plans, I accepted a my dream position at the children’s hospital of my dreams (eek!), we shipped our car and motorcycle, took a final Eastern Seaboard vacation, bought a house (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), Devin graduated and is officially Dr. Devin, we packed all of our belongings into a huge moving truck, drove cross-country, and moved into our new home. It has been a whirlwind, but I looking back on these past five years I cannot help but tear up with gratitude for blessings and beauty of my life! We are making lots of changes to our first home and we are excited to share those with you as we go. The picture on the left is the first time I went to see the house (after we had put in an offer!) and the picture to the right is us arriving to OUR home for the first time after an emotionally charged, exhausting, chaotic, four-day drive across the country!
I had placed JJTulum and this blog on hold as I was buckling under the stress of everything else going on. JJTulum will remain on hold for the time being; I need time to settle, start my new job, make a new business plan and make my home my haven first. For those of you who have been waiting to purchase bags…fear not, they will be back, no guarantees when, but they will!!! Blogging…well we are excited to share our endless projects and updates on our home with you here in the meantime. I will keep JJTulum updates on here as well when we are up and running again.

Thank you for all the love and support, the help, emails, prayers, and cheering! I miss New York so much and always will, my heart found a home there, but it is so wonderful to be back in Seattle with friends and family…you are precious and the reason we are back!!!

Thursday, February 21, 2013


Three girls from work and I finally bit-the-bullet and booked a week long girls trip as far from the New York single digit weather and snow as we could...San Diego! It was such a wonderful trip, there are not words to describe! We did whatever sounded good, we slept, rested, shopped, ate, walked on the beach, went for runs, drank, and caught up with old friends...does not get much better than that! On this trip I fell in love with Instagram, so here is the trip via Instagram.
It was difficult to come back to reality, but the memories are so special. Jess, Kristina, and Lisa I sure love you girls, thanks for all the laughs, Advil, and memories...T-minus 11months till our next adventure?! Molly and Chase it was so wonderful getting to see you and catch up, love ya both! Josh and Cara you are a beautiful couple and it was an honor to get to know you, thank you for the amazing San Diego tours!

Follow me on the JJTulum Instagram if ya like, I am much better at keeping up with that than my blog at present! ;0) Happy Thursday all...

Monday, January 28, 2013

Working Hard to Hardly Work

Devin and I just returned from a little holiday to Rincon, Puerto Rico! It was so satisfying to leave in the middle of an NY snow storm and arrive in 90 degree weather, warm water and sunshine!!! We both have so much on our plates all of the time that it took us a full three days or so to really relax and stop trying to work on thing from home. Once we settled in though, we were picture perfect beach bums!
We did manage to make it out to snorkel, suft, and take a catamaran cruise which we enjoyed immensely. Rincon is very small with very little there and nothing around...just what we like! It is known for its' surfing so we always had entertainment and the beach to ourselves.
The best vacations for both of us when we are "off the beaten track". We do not like large hotels, crowds of people, or tourist venues. What we do like is finding the local stops to eat and enjoying truly authentic grub! We found the perfect hole-in-the-wall place on this trip and ate the best pinchos, mofongo, and tostones...YUMMY! Here are a few snap-shots of us after dinner.
Each evening we would head out for a walk down the beach, chatting and collecting sea glass. It was the highlight of the entire trip! About a mile and a half down the beach we would turn around and walk west as the sun set. Deciding where to spend the next three years of our lives was our main agenda on this trip and what better back drop to make such a big decision than this?!
Thanks for sharing in our getaway! Happy week to you all.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

New Year's Unresolutions

Happy New Years!!!
I have not blogged in almost two months...I will spare you the great anxiety that this causes me. With the dawning of a new year it seems fitting to go over all my grand resolution for 2013. However, I have decided, after much introspection, that my resolution for this year is to actively attempt to not be bound by lists, rules, resolutions, and goals. Allow me to explain...
I have been so frustrated with my constant, tireless work without accomplishing what I am setting out to do. I stopped and looked at the problem from a nurse perspective, instead of a "me" perspective. There are currently eight criteria in the DSM (psychiatric book of diagnosis stuff), of which one must meet four or more of them to be diagnosed with OCPD, along with other things. It is safe to say that I match EXACTLY all but one of them! Haha...
1.      is occupied with details, rules, lists, order, organization, or schedules to the point that the key part of the activity is lost;
2.      demonstrates perfectionism that hampers with completing tasks;
3.      is extremely dedicated to work and efficiency to the elimination of spare time activities;
4.      is meticulous, scrupulous, and rigid about etiquettes of morality, ethics, or values;
5.      is not capable of disposing worn out or insignificant things even when they have no sentimental meaning;
6.      is unwilling to delegate tasks or work with others except if they surrender to exactly their way of doing things;
7.      takes on a stingy spending style towards self and others; money is viewed as something to be hoarded for future catastrophes ; and
8.      shows stiffness and stubbornness.
As you can see, this list is exhausting and when I step back and look at it objectively, I am not sure how I keep up with it...and there in lies the problem, I cannot keep up. I have lost the joy of many things because they quickly become a task that must be divided into categories and lists with rigid deadlines and consequences. While I do not have the diagnosis of OCPD, everything must be done to utter perfection or it is a complete failure in my skewed perception. There are parts of me that know this is ridiculous but this is how I live my life and I subconsciously slip back into this process before I know it.
Last year I set a goal of 26 DIY projects and I did not complete them, although I have the rest of the projects completed. I have been so stressed this year to take the perfect pictures, describe the processes perfectly, and post blogs on the timeline I deemed necessary. This did not happen and so I have spent a year being stressed, still failed, and yet everyone is still breathing and life goes on!!!
Thus, this year, I will work mindfully to be productive while not losing the joy in life and the activities I enjoy most. I will blog when it sounds fun, bake when I feel inspired, photograph because I am deeply in love with film, and design/sew because it is my favorite hobby. I will continue to post DIYs and recipes but there will be no promises, no lists, and schedule! I am hoping by breaking my idea of how blogging (or life for that matter!) works I will stop paralyzing myself with the anxiety of the task and just post!!!!!
Whew...the end!
Thanks for listening to my public therapy session, I feel so much better! Hopefully you either feel relieved that there is someone out there more crazy than yourself or happy that you are a free spirit and have no clue what I am talking about!!! Either way, thanks for reading and be ready for more posts hopefully soon!